Smart Bitch Dumb Dog is a light hearted and informative story about the lives of two dogs as they trot down the path toward financial freedom. Sherman makes many poor decisions on his journey while the smart bitch, Bella, has all the answers! This story incorporates financial concepts with best practices in personal finance using a tone that is easy to understand and incorporate in your own life. This story will leave you feeling motivated and empowered to take steps toward financial freedom. After all, if Sherman can dig his way out the financial mess he is in, you can too!
Bella and Sherman are litter mates that are separated at a young age as they find their forever homes. Their family structures are very different and their young lives establish a basis for their future. This story follows their lives as they become adults. It soon becomes apparent that pedigree is not a substitute for hard work, discipline, delayed gratification and financial literacy.
Bella is raised learning money management basics. She learns financial discipline and literacy at various stages in life. Her personal finance class "sheds" light on financial basics. Bella uses a budget, minimizes her debt, monitors her credit score, and practices conservative spending habits. She understands the importance of not trading hours for dollars so she can become financially independent. Soon she becomes "top dog" in her career and in her financial life. She uses sacrifice and determination (delayed gratification) to gain financial independence at a young age.
Sherman struggles to find direction in life. He finds himself in financial distress and lacking in financial literacy and discipline. Sherman discovers that while he always thought his fur-ever family was financially stable, in fact they were broke. Sherman reaches out to his sister Bella for help digging out of this hole. She provides financial guidance as he strives to overcome his financial inadequacies. Sherman learns that it is never too late for financial literacy and discipline to lead a dog to financial freedom.
Smart Bitch Dumb Dog is a book that includes financial literacy, financial tips, personal finance, and money management topics. This money management book will help you understand the tools needed to reach financial freedom.
The concept of delayed gratification is introduced in this book. Through sacrifice today, you will have the financial peace of making purchases with earned money rather than through increased debt. Bring peace to your life by decreasing the stress associated with debt.
Bella learns to develop a plan for not trading hours for dollars her whole life. If you settle for trading hours for dollars, you will cap out on your ability to gain financial independence. This book will teach you to have a plan for making money while you sleep.
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