I have taught finance for over 25 years. I love teaching finance because it gives me a sense of helping others. I enjoy breaking down difficult concepts for better understanding. I also appreciate that the field of finance is constantly evolving resulting in opportunities to learn new things. Overall, my teaching and research interests include corporate finance, personal finance, financial institutions, and entrepreneurship.
My academic credentials include a Ph.D. from the University of Nebraska-Lincoln where I studied Finance. I have a MBA and Bachelors of Business Finance from Western Illinois University. Much of my financial education has also come from my parents and the various businesses we have owned over the years.
My husband and I enjoy five adult children. The experience of raising children and teaching them financial discipline is a challenge. I can only hope they are more like Bella than Sherman! Our only "grandchildren" have four paws. We have three grand-dogs and three grand-cats.
Bella was a rescue from the Quincy Humane Society in Quincy, Illinois. (http://www.quincyhumanesociety.org/)
Sherman was rescued by Little Angels Service Dogs. Sherman was not cut out to be a service dog. So instead, he enjoys the life of leisure in our home.(http://www.littleangelsservicedogs.org/)
The University of Nebraska-Lincoln welcomes Dr. Griswold and her canine friends:
Dr. Griswold's advances to the next level of competition with a "Best of Region" win for ACBSP Region 5. (October, 2018)
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